mindful outdoor walks challenge

The Mindful Outdoor Walks Challenge invites you to take a 15-minute walk outside each day for 30 days without any distractions. The point of this challenge is to help you get away from your phone and do something active while spending time thinking and processing your thoughts. By breaking the habit of googling every thought or scrolling through social media, you’ll realize how healthy and beneficial it is to just walk and think without music, podcasts, or phones.

what to expect

As you commit to daily mindful walks, expect the first few minutes of most walks to feel boring or tedious. This initial boredom happens because your brain needs time to ‘warm up’ and adjust. Once you push through this phase, your thoughts will start flowing, and you’ll find yourself processing ideas without focusing on the walk itself. By the end of the 15 minutes you’ll likely want to keep going because you’ll want to continue the conversation with yourself.


This challenge can be tough. Not having your phone for emergencies might feel stressful. You might struggle to relax your mind or resist the urge to run. Weather and unsafe neighborhoods can also be obstacles. If you can’t walk outside safely, using a treadmill at a gym is a good alternative.

tips for success:

  • Choose a route that interests you.
  • Set a specific daily walking time.
  • Find a quiet, safe path.
  • Inform others to avoid interruptions.
  • Leave your devices behind or silence them.
  • Focus on your surroundings and thoughts, not the walk itself.


There will be days when you don’t want to walk or question the point of it, but in my opinion, these are the most important days to do so. They set the tone for the following days.